Converting a Weber Kettle Grill into a dedicated Competition-Level Smoker using the Pitmaster IQ110
The Pitmaster IQ 110 allows you to temporarily convert many types of charcoal grills into smokers with precision temperature control. But it takes a half hour, or so, to do the conversion, and what you end up with is not ideal for smoking. Instead, I decided to make a permanent smoker, and leave my high end Weber charcoal grill for what it was intended: Grilling. Below is how I did it, and some tips and techniques you won't find in the Pitmaster IQ110 installation guide.
Parts Needed:
Weber Silver Kettle Grill 22 1/2"
High Temperature HVAC Tape
Weber 7436 Replacement Hinged Cooking Grate or equivalent
Weber 7403 Char-Basket Charcoal Briquet Holders or equivalent
Weber 1201 Tool Holder or equivalent
In Addition you will need:
Aluminum foil
Foil Drip plans
High Quality Hardwood Charcoal (no lighter fluid)
Paraffin fire starter Packs
Wood chunks such as Apple, Cherry, Pecan and Hickory
Grill Brush
Basting Brush
Grill Gloves (optional)
Shop Vaccuum (optional)
Step 1: Acquiring the kettle grill
However, the Gold Weber is a lot of money, and the best part of it, the ash catcher system, you won't even use. A better approach, I decided, was to borrow parts from my existing Gold equivalent, and buy a silver on Craigslist. A new 22 1/2" Silver will run you $100 currently, but you can get a slightly used one for less than $50 on craigslist if you are patient. Folks sell these things when they decide charcoal BBQing is a hassle, and they go get a gas grill, and their Weber sits unused. I got a barely used kettle for $40 this way. Be careful that the unit you buy is a 22 1/2" unit, not the cheaper 18 1/2" Weber Silver!!!
There are lots of grills that the Pitmaster system works with, but you must have the ability to close off all vents. An open vented system will not work. All gas grills are open vented, and none of them will work in this application. Don't even try.
Step 2: Converting the grill
Once you acquire a kettle, throw away several parts, including the ash catcher plate, which looks like a hub cap, and the cooking grate instelf. While you can use the existing grate, if you bought it used it is probably gross, and besides, you are better off with a hinged grate, which you can acquire for about $20 at a hardware store or online. Just makes sure you get the 22 1/2" grate. Alternatively, if you have another Weber, you can use the cooking grate from that one, and share among the two kettles.
You can use a rib rack, or other meat/vegetable holder, such as a vertical roaster, or a beer can. Please note where I have placed the temperature probe. It is clipped to the back of the grill, but the probe itself is not touching any metal. This is very important. I ran the probe cable around the grill to where the tool holder is located, and then down, to attach to the IQ110. That's it! You're ready to smoke!
Step 3: Lighting the Smoker
You get a fire started, get your meat in, cover, and turn on the IQ110. Let the IQ110 bring the temperature up to where you need it. The IQ110 is much better at raising temperatures than lowering them. So if your fire is too hot to start, you will have nothing but problems. In the pictures below you can see that most of the coals and woods are unlit when I put the meat on. The IQ 110 will do the rest.
Step 4: Smoking
What you smoke is up to you, and how long it will take is dependent on the type and size of the meat, and the temperature setting. I like to use a setting of 200 degrees for pork ribs, and 225 degrees for pork shoulder. You want to bring the internal temperature of the meat up to whatever is desired as slow as possible. With pork ribs, I shoot for a final internal tmperature of about 160 degrees. With pork shoulder, 195 degrees is ideal for shredding.
Most smokers have water holders in them. Most folks who smoke meat think the water is to keep the meat moist, and the inside of the smoker humid. No. The water is a heat sink, so it evens out the temperature, and prevents really hot temperatures from ruining the meat. We don't have to worry about that. Whatever meat you use will have plenty of moisture and the IQ 110 takes care of the temperature control, so you don't need water. As I cook various cuts of meat, I will add tips and photos to this section, so watch this space.
Step 5: Cleaning
If you followed my setup above, cleaning will be easy. Use a Shop-Vac to suck out all of the ash in the basket, and below the basket between the two plates of the ash catcher. You also need to clean the cooking grate, and whatever other racks or devices you used to hold the food in place. I do this by throwing both on my other grill, and let the flames from starting the charcoal on that burn off the attached food. Then I just scrape off the residue with a grill brush. But suit yourself.
I will answer questions here, so watch this space too.